Memory Script 048
My memory on holiday with my parents in Rumania. I was about 4 years old at the time. And we were climbing this mountain, I don’t know it is so clear on my mind, I was climbing this mountain and I was getting really thirsty, I was so use to to have soft drinks and so on but Rumania at that time only had fizzy water without sugar on it or alcohol in this remote place we were at that.s my strong memory of going to the mountain to this cabin bar place and not be able to get a soft drink such as vivid memory of this cabin and mountain
The second memory I have I was probably younger I guess I would be younger is of pushing my grandfather on the pushchair down the drive towards the house I could only been less that three years old then so that’s it is a strong image I have , I don’t know if it is a true image or made image I don’t know but certainly I have the image of pushing him down the drive soon after he died so that stuck in my mind very much