Month: July 2016


Memory Script 031

One of my earliest memory: I was probably about 3 or 4, I can remember living in a high-rise block of flat with my mum in a place called Penarth and on this particular day I was really hungry and my grand father had just given my mother a bunch of green bananas. I was really hungry and I just nagged at my mum for one of these bananas, and she kept saying to me there are green, they’ll taste foul, you won’t like it but I begged and pleaded and eventually she gave in and gave me one these green bananas and I remember going outside and I think we are the 5th floor up and I open this banana and it was really hard to peel the skin off this green banana, and I take one chunk and it was disgusting, I spat it out and threw the rest over the veranda and just watched it land on the grass.



Memory Script 030

I am not 100% certain whether this visual memory is me remembering a real life thing, or me remembering a dreamt thing but these 2 staggered images are the 2 things that automatically pop into my head. The first is a still image of a high rise building, the image isn’t particularly colourful, dark grey red square angular steel, cold, it is a picture at night of a building being looked at from below. This image of this tall cold building always is accompanied by what probably a real memory which is of being changed on a changing mat on the floor in an out of date wall papered building. At time lying on my back and on my front and I have a plastic toy that you give kids to distract them when you are trying to do something important to them, it has a handle and there’s lots of green plastic on this thing and it’s too big for me to handle properly, I would have had very small stubby hands. I don’t remember of being changed but I remember lying down on my back and my front, looking at the room from this perspective, from the floor and it’s sort of spinning as I am spinning.



Memory Script 029

My fist visual memory is probably not my first memory but its is the first I can remember because I have a vey poor memory of my youth; but this image has always been in my head and it can’t be from a photograph so it must be a memory. It is an image of all three of us, my twin brother, my younger sister and myself and we are sitting at the top of the stairs in our small south London council flat above a chip shop and we are sitting on top of a rather flattened stuffed elephant. It doesn’t really look much like an elephant, it just looks like a big fat sausage of a body and a big fat trunk, I suppose. And the 3 of us are sitting in the dark at the top of the stairs on the elephant and I guess we must have been playing but we‘ve stopped playing because all we can hear downstairs is my parents arguing, shouting, and Wally, who’s not my dad was drunk and he was saying: “He is not your dad, don’t believe a word of it, he is not your dad”. And the stairs were carpeted and the walls were dark and we were sat quite precariously upon that fat elephant, I think we use to slide down the stairs on it but we weren’t sliding down the stairs.
And when I was asked about the first visual memory I had, I made some protests that I never remember anything and yet this bloody image came into my head instantly… instantly. So I guess I do remember things



Memory Script 028

It was my first day of school and I did a painting along with the other children whose first day it was and had already started. I did a painting and the teacher put it up on the wall and I was so happy she’d put my picture on the wall that when it was time to go home I cried because I wanted to stay at school and not go home.



Memory Script 027

I was sitting at the table in my family home, I suppose I was sitting at the end of the table and my sister was in a high chair at the opposite end of the table and there was lots of other children sat around that table, my sister’s high chair was red, the was a big light hanging of the ceiling and there was a birthday cake on the table covered with little plastic animals, it seemed like a really big square birthday cake all covered with tiny plastic animals, I can’t really remember much about it except where I was sat and the lay out of the room but it was my sister’s first birthday party so I would have been 2 years old.
